“Loving Your Light Within” A Course in Self-Love & Self-Acceptance

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This online course will help you unlock your journey of self-love & self-acceptance:

Loving Your Light Within: Outline

A course in self-love and self-acceptance



  • Silencing the Ego/ Letting go of Self-Doubt:


      1. What is the Ego?
        1. Tiny little voice of self doubt. (ex: When you question yourself, worry about what others think, are worried to take risks)
          1. PDF Worksheet that has individuals’ list of most common “self-doubt scenarios” &
      2. Acknowledging the Ego & Taking Control of the Ego
      3. Shutting down the Ego with Love.


  • Accepting Everything As It Is: How to accept life’s challenges


      1. Life is hard, challenges are inevitable: how we react to those challenges is our choice. Shit happens- but you are strong enough to handle it!
      2. Don’t try to change things or people, accept people / things for who/what they are (even if that means loving them from a distance).


  • Don’t Take Anything Personally


      1. Discuss how “The Four Agreements” changed my life and specifically “Don’t take anything personally”
      2. Reflection Activity


  • Let Go of All That Doesn’t Serve You


      1. As humans we tend to hold on to toxic people/ ideas/ things. It is time to release those things.
        1. Differentiating between people/things/ ideas that don’t serve us vs. people who genuinely do more good than harm.
          1. Are people putting you down?
          2. Are you doing things that are harming your mind/body/ soul/ or other people?
            1. Ask yourself why? Acknowledge it, and release it.
        2. Meditation exercise (place things in a basket to come back to or release)


  • Tell Yourself That You Love Yourself… AND Believe It!


    1. Affirmations (Sample mirror affirmations/ create your own!)
      1.  Affirmation cut outs that people can write affirmations on.
    2. Look yourself in the mirror when you find yourself doubting yourself. Tell yourself something positive 
    3. Write yourself love notes… because who knows how to make you smile better than yourself?
    4. Treat yourself!
      1. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly examples


*This course includes: A workbook with weekly lessons ( 5 lessons/5 weeks), Additional Worksheets/ Materials, A Custom Spotify Playlist, Lifetime Access to the Course, Email Access to Gabriella Meghan, Access to a growing online support group!